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Wistful Eye

I am told of an everlasting city,Way beyond the horizon,Above the billows. Untold of its existence, A fantasy of its beauty. Writing songs and poems, Beautiful to the souls of man,A proclamation of Mother Sun-Moon.Hopes of belonging to a city unknown. Glorious splendor we speak of,But no one truly knows.Living through the meaningless,Enthralled by dreams…


Hungrily, we craved With might, we fiercely fought Patiently enduring With elation, awaited Yet, it never got to our reach Cunning and swift A mirage we cannot vanquish So far, we stretched So long, we yearned Even so, it remains beyond our grip Like a ceaseless sadistic duel Kowah Quarshie

Movie Night

Smothered beneath the warmth, Chills run down my arm, From the sweet icy cream I held. Staring at each other, Images sway back and forth. Such an amusement! But time envied the mood. So it passed quickly, Reminding me of my misery. Kowah Quarshie

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